French IBANs are often prefixed with FR76
[Read More]The forEach API
After one time too many stumbling over a forgotten/unknown function in Kotlin’s “collection” API, I decided to take stock of what’s available.
TLDR - That API is pretty large.
[Read More]Kotlin - functions are objects
Sometimes it is useful to look at a subject from a slightly different perspective, this provides a sort of mental “binocular vision” and allows to flesh out some details that are less obvious otherwise.
[Read More]Kotlin Result
Some languages provide a facility to return an error from a call to method/function, along with the actual result value. This allows (or forces) the programmer to take into account potential runtime errors.
Something similar can be done in Kotlin.
[Read More]Fibonacci
Fibonacci with tail recursion in Kotlin
I enjoyed reading the The Fibonacci Problem blog post that shows (among other things) a tail recursive algorithm for the Fibonacci sequence.
[Read More]Armstrong Numbers
An Armstrong number is “a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits”
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