Armstrong Numbers

An Armstrong number is “a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits

For example, 8208 is an Armstrong number because 8208 = 8^4 + 2^4 + 0^4 + 8^4. We will say that 8208 is a level-4 number and call the power sum of its digits, an a-sum. Single digit numbers are obviously (level-1) Armstrong numbers , all Armstrong numbers up to level 4 are:

level-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
level-3 153 370 371 407
level-4 1634 8208 9474

There is a finite number of Armstrong numbers, this is because the magnitude of a number grows quicker then it’s a-sum so that after certain point, the a-sum falls behind. The largest Armstrong number is a level-39ner.

This code calculates all Armstrong numbers up to level-39 with the following timings:

  Level-15 0  sec.   41 numbers
  Level-18 2  sec.   46 numbers
  Level-20 6  sec.   51 numbers
  Level-21 11 sec.   53 numbers
  Level-22 15 sec    53 numbers
  Level-23 21 sec.   58 numbers
  Level-25 46 sec    66 numbers
  Level-39 3518 sec. (58 min) 88 numbers

  (on i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz)

The following optimizations, listed in the order of their impact, are used.

  • A neat insight from this stackoverflow discussion, is best demonstrated by an example. Looking at 8208 = aSum(8208) = 8^4 + 2^4 + 0^4 + 8^4, it is clear that the value of a-sum doesn’t depend on the order of the digits. In other words, all numbers comprised of the digits {0,2,8,8} will have the same a-sum. For any representative N from the set of numbers comprised of digits {0,2,8,8}, N is A-number if and only if a-sum(N) = a-sum(a-sum(N)). Therefore, generally, we don’t need to examine all numbers up to a given level but only one representative from every multiset of digits. This reduces the search space from 10^39 to about 10^10.

  • It doesn’t really matter which representative we pick, the one with digits in descending order is reasonably easy to work with, e.g. the representative of {0,2,8,8} is 8820. Instead of filtering all 10^39 values for representatives, the code builds and discards the representatives dynamically so that only relevant values are examined with modest memory requirement ( a bit more about that tree ).

  • Obviously the problem can be broken down into parts that can be executed in parallel.

  • Datatypes. The representatives are modeled as byte arrays so that 8820 is byte[] {8,8,2,0} ( BigIntegers are used to calculate a-sums ).

  • Various. For the calculation of a-sums the powers of {1..9} are precomputed and cached. Instead of checking that a-sum(N) = a-sum(a-sum(N)) it is cheaper to verify that a-sum(N) is a permutation of the digits of N which saves us an extra call to a-sum.
